RSVP Card Wording

Tips & Notes for your Response Card
· Feel free to mix and match any of the above wording and browse images in the gallery to see real couples’ rsvp cards and further down you will find copy and paste verses if you need.
· You should have the RSVP due date between 3-4 weeks before your wedding date
· The verbiage for “will attend” - “will not attend” are up to you. Some clients choose to get creative and have fun with that section. See some fun samples in the image gallery! If you don’t like any simply Number Attending ____ alone serves the same purpose and is straight forward for guests.
· If you have meal choices you would include them on the RSVP card. Some cases you only need to know the quantity of each meal requested, but sometimes you need to have them initial each invited guest’s specific choice. This is because some venues or caterers require you to make an indication on the escort (place) card indicating what each guest choose. Please check with your venue.
· You can consider “Numbering” your RSVP cards on the back before you stuff and mail them. Have each number correspond to a numbered list with each guest’s name. Sometimes guests forget to fill out their name before sending back, or you can’t read it. You can cross reference the number on the back with your list!
Example 1:
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Kindly respond before June 15
Number of Persons _____
Example 2:
The favour of reply is requested
before the twenty-first of May
____ will attend ____ will not to attend
Example 3:
Kindly reply on or before July 1st
____ Accepts with Pleasure ____ Decline with Regrets
Please indicate the number of each meal requested:
_____Salmon _____Filet _____Vegetarian
Example 4:
Your Reply
is requested by the first of June
____ we’d be delighted! ____ we regret to decline
Example 5:
Will you dance with us?
Please reply before June 23
__ We wouldn't miss the celebration
__ Sorry, we have to miss the celebration
Example 6:
Say "we do"
and respond by May 15, 2015
__ We’ll help make your day complete!
__ We’re unable, but hope your day is sweet.
No. Attending____
Please initial the meal choice of each guest
_______ Filet _______ Salmon _______ Vegetarian Pasta